Walking push-ups…

Jason Stanley 

Real fast – crazy busy day, but I want to quickly share this push-up exercise with you…

I call these “Walking Push-ups” and it works like this…

Have your students line up on one side of the room in the push-up position so that everyone is facing the front. Now to your count the class must do a full push-up, then shuffle forward one step, do another push-up, shuffle forward, repeat until they reach the other side of the room.

Once your class reaches the other side of the tatami, have them return to the start position, moving backwards! (This is actually quite challenging for many people).

A variation of this drill includes “springing forward” after each push-up where both hands and feet leave the floor. Just rock your weight backwards a little to bend the legs, then spring forward, push-up and repeat. This one is especially challenging when moving backwards.

Try ’em out!


– Jason

P.S. In my 125 Dynamite Drills there are hundreds of skill and strength building exercises, including 14 other push-up exercises you can use with your class (or at home if you want to get in some extra training).

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