Author: Jason Stanley

Jason Stanley has been practicing karate for 37 years. He is a 5th dan in Shitoryu/Shukokai, and 3 x stick fighting world champion. Since 2002 Jason has provided karate tips, hints and information to help both students and teachers increase their karate knowledge, deepen their understanding and improve their karate skill sets. His materials, e-books and courses have sold in over 35 countries. If you haven't already done so, please subscribe to the KarateTeaching newsletter and receive free karate teaching tips delivered to your inbox. No spam. No BS. Just helpful info to improve your skills. 100% privacy.

Put yourself to the test…

March 15, 2011
Jason Stanley

 As a martial arts instructor of 18 years and teaching over 8,000 classes, I’ve encountered a lot of different situations. I’ve had kids projectile vomit on the floor in the middle of class, other kids wet their pants and break bones… There’s been times where students have lost teeth, and other times where I’ve had […]


Seienchin Kata Tip…

March 2, 2011
Jason Stanley

Last week I was teaching the kata Seienchin to some of my junior students. If you’re not familiar with the kata, you can see several versions on YouTube – one of which is below. Anyhow, I was trying to explain the “feeling” one should have when making the 3rd movement in shiko dachi (when […]


Ippon Kumite Exercise

February 15, 2011
Jason Stanley
1 Comment

Here’s a simple “ippon kumite” exercise you can do with your students instead of the same old step over punch, step back block and counter exercises you’ve done forever… This spin on the exercise makes it more dynamic, and a precursor for dojo sparring. If you’re not sure, “ippon kumite” (one point sparring) basically refers […]