Author: Jason Stanley

Jason Stanley has been practicing karate for 37 years. He is a 5th dan in Shitoryu/Shukokai, and 3 x stick fighting world champion. Since 2002 Jason has provided karate tips, hints and information to help both students and teachers increase their karate knowledge, deepen their understanding and improve their karate skill sets. His materials, e-books and courses have sold in over 35 countries. If you haven't already done so, please subscribe to the KarateTeaching newsletter and receive free karate teaching tips delivered to your inbox. No spam. No BS. Just helpful info to improve your skills. 100% privacy.
teaching karate

I felt like a white belt all over…

June 22, 2010
Jason Stanley
No Comments

I like to think I’m reasonably coordinated at most things as I’ve played sport all my life and taken martial arts for the best part of 25 years. So there isn’t too much that I feel completely uncordinated with… But in recent years I’ve discovered two things at which I’m completely and utterly useless. Playing […]

teaching karate

How do you teach those irritating students?

June 8, 2010
Jason Stanley

We all have students who we enjoy teaching… You know the ones I mean, right? There are certain students who simply try their best every time, pick up things quickly and do it well without a complaint. I love to teach karate to students like this who are enthusiastic to learn! Then there are those […]


Any Teaching Positions Available?

June 2, 2010
Jason Stanley

He opened the door and walked right onto the mat with his shoes on while class was in progress. “What the heck?“, I wondered. Shaved head, regular “skater” clothes, maybe 16 years old and trying to make eye contact with my junior assistant who was instructing the warm-up. After a brief verbal exchange, my assistant […]