Author: Jason Stanley

Jason Stanley has been practicing karate for 37 years. He is a 5th dan in Shitoryu/Shukokai, and 3 x stick fighting world champion. Since 2002 Jason has provided karate tips, hints and information to help both students and teachers increase their karate knowledge, deepen their understanding and improve their karate skill sets. His materials, e-books and courses have sold in over 35 countries. If you haven't already done so, please subscribe to the KarateTeaching newsletter and receive free karate teaching tips delivered to your inbox. No spam. No BS. Just helpful info to improve your skills. 100% privacy.

Improving your dojo and creating word of mouth…

March 30, 2010
Jason Stanley

Two months ago we moved location and took over a dance studio, so a lot of the work was already done since the building has the same basic purpose – a training floor and reception area. Basically there is a dividing wall between the tatami and the waiting room, front desk and bathroom. However, the […]


Keeping Your Students Motivated!

March 16, 2010
Jason Stanley

Do you ever have a hard time getting your students to push themselves harder? Are you ever frustrated by their lack of effort? Does what they’re doing actually look like karate or does it resemble tai chi more? If your class is struggling to give their best, here’s a list of some of the one […]


Flushing money down the toilet…

March 9, 2010
Jason Stanley

I was standing at my reception desk getting ready for class when he walked in. He was wearing a suit and carrying a satchel. He must be selling something I thought to myself. “Hi there”, I said to the business man. “Hello”, he said, “my name is Steve”. “Hi Steve, I’m Jason. Nice to meet […]