Author: Jason Stanley

Jason Stanley has been practicing karate for 37 years. He is a 5th dan in Shitoryu/Shukokai, and 3 x stick fighting world champion. Since 2002 Jason has provided karate tips, hints and information to help both students and teachers increase their karate knowledge, deepen their understanding and improve their karate skill sets. His materials, e-books and courses have sold in over 35 countries. If you haven't already done so, please subscribe to the KarateTeaching newsletter and receive free karate teaching tips delivered to your inbox. No spam. No BS. Just helpful info to improve your skills. 100% privacy.
teaching karate to kids

What Are The Points For?

May 5, 2005
Jason Stanley
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In my last post you might have picked up that I award my 4-7 year olds “points” for doing well in an activity, winning a game or just behaving well. When I tell people about the “points”, they ask “What are the points for?” Well it’s not like a credit card membership program where they […]

teaching karate teaching karate to kids

Blood Noses, Wobbly Teeth and Wet Pants

April 27, 2005
Jason Stanley
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You know last night was one of the most challenging Pee Wee classes (ages 4-7) that I’ve taught in a while. Here’s why… First, I usually have an assistant or two to help out. Junior students make great assistants. They learn, you learn and the class learns. It’s a win-win-win. Anyhow last night I had […]