Category: karate games

karate games

Kids Karate Game – Corners

August 20, 2013
Jason Stanley

We all know how to play dodge ball, right? Well here’s a version we occasionally play at the end of class with my students. I got this from my sensei years ago and it’s called “Corners”. It works like this: Pre Game Requirements Split your class into teams (4 teams maximum). Each team starts in […]

karate games teaching karate to kids

The Octopus!

October 23, 2012
Jason Stanley

Here’s an awesome end-of-class kids’ karate game you can do with your youngest students, that’ll send them home with big smiles on their faces. I thought of this one last week during my peewee class (4-7 years), and have named it The Octopus! Be warned, your youngest karate kids will lose their freakin’  minds when […]

karate games

New karate game for kids

June 15, 2011
Jason Stanley

Here’s a quick game you can use for your younger karate kids, that they’ll love, but at the same time helps with developing reaction time, attention and technique. It’s based off the kids’ game “Red light, green light” and it works like this… The game is broken into three 60 second rounds, with each more […]