Category: teaching karate

teaching karate

How to Make Lazy Students Work Hard!

January 11, 2012
Jason Stanley

If I were to tell you right now, that your laziest student could inspire the rest of your class to try harder, you’d probably think I’m nuts, right? What if you could make that happen by saying 11 simple words? Would you believe me? I want to show you EXACTLY how this is possible using […]

teaching karate

Kinesthetic Learners, Repetitions and Socrates…

October 18, 2011
Jason Stanley
1 Comment

So today I want to finish up with our 4 part series on the different learning types, and how you as a teacher of a karate class can help each student. So far we’ve covered visual and auditory learners, which you’ll recall make up the majority of our students. However there is one group that […]