Category: teaching karate

teaching karate

Teaching Karate to Visual Learners

September 13, 2011
Jason Stanley
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Ok, so last week we talked a little bit about how what we see as instructors might be completely different to what our students see. And we came to the conclusion that until we can communicate effectively to everyone in our class, there are going to be students who, “just don’t get it!” when really […]

teaching karate

Why can’t they just do it right?

September 6, 2011
Jason Stanley

Have you ever asked a student to correct their karate technique, say to “bend their front knee“, at which time they acknowledge your request but continue to leave it exactly as it is? You look at them as if they are deaf, repeat yourself but they stare back at you with an equally puzzled look. […]

teaching karate

Teaching Karate with 100% Effort

August 30, 2011
Jason Stanley
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As an instructor of not only students but other karate teachers, one of the important points I drive home is the need to demonstrate with 100% effort, good form and speed. Too often it seems that teachers get lazy in demonstrating their karate techniques. Their explanation might be good and sound but the actual demonstration […]