Category: teaching karate

teaching karate

When Opportunity Knocks…

February 10, 2010
Jason Stanley
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Five years ago I was teaching karate part time at the local community center. My student numbers were growing and my program was expanding, to the point where I had classes running there every day for 3 to 4 hours. One day one of the parents of my junior students approached me and said, “Hey, […]

karate drills and exercises teaching karate

Jenny, a cup and a coin…

January 19, 2010
Jason Stanley

Yesterday in my kids’ class one of my junior white belt girls could not help dropping her hands while making mae geri (front kick). When I corrected Jenny’s technique, I asked her what her hands were supposed to do, then explained and demonstrated how it should be done, and she was in complete agreement with […]

teaching karate teaching karate to kids

Teacher or Tyrant?

January 12, 2010
Jason Stanley

A few years ago I had a family who had both young boys and their dad train at my dojo. They were lovely people and always enjoyed being part of the club. They wanted to help out where they could, always attended club activities and always spoke highly of the school recruiting new people whenever […]