Category: teaching karate

teaching karate

Why Practice Karate Kihon?

October 17, 2017
Jason Stanley

Watch almost any martial arts movie from yesteryear and you’ll witness a tsunami of bad acting and fantastical abilities. From catching bullets to breathing fire and everything in between. The plot almost always follows one man’s struggle against the odds to avenge his <<insert favorite family member’s>> death. Frequently the hero will be surrounded by […]

karate drills and exercises teaching karate Uncategorized

Develop Your Weak Side

September 13, 2017
Jason Stanley

How many karate-ka does it take to change a light bulb? Just one. But he’ll do it 10,000 times with his right hand, then 10,000 times with his left. (This is the part where you laugh.) In all seriousness as much as we karate-ka like to think we are equally proficient on both sides of […]

teaching karate teaching karate to kids

The star of the show…

June 24, 2015
Jason Stanley

“Waaaa-taaaah!” “Hey karate-man!! whaaaaa!” The class walked by and while most smiled and waved, a couple of  young boys made karate chops in the air while simultaneously running their mouths. What the hell? Was I being heckled by 4th graders? You bet I was… Part of me wanted to walk over and break the kid’s […]