Category: teaching karate

teaching karate teaching karate to kids teaching kata

Get your kata right! Or else!

October 29, 2013
Jason Stanley

Recently one of my subscribers, Michael, asked: “My sensei had me teach some kids the first taikyoku kata last night and he told me that whenever one of them did a movement incorrectly to make them do pushups. So we get going and I have them drop down to do pushups a few times before […]

teaching karate teaching kata

Refocussing with a Splash

September 4, 2013
Jason Stanley

Brrrriiiiinnnnngg! Brrrriiiiinnnnngg! Somebody’s phone rings… Honk! Honk! A car drives by… “Excuse me? Could I get some information?”, someone else asks. Even the slightest distraction like another student whispering or a belt coming untied… These and a hundred more things distract students during training. One of my pet peeves (and I dare say one of […]