Category: teaching karate

teaching karate

3 Rookie Teaching Mistakes to Avoid

July 31, 2013
Jason Stanley

So you’ve been practicing karate for some time now… You’ve put in thousands of hours of blood, sweat and tears and achieved levels that only a few ever realize. Technically your technique is excellent and you inspire others to push further and train harder. But, just because you’re technically proficient doesn’t automatically make you a […]

teaching karate

Formal or Informal?

July 17, 2013
Jason Stanley

When is it okay to be informal when teaching class? Or should we always teach in a formal manner? Do we always need to follow a strict karate class plan? Or can we make it up as we go along? Today I’d like to shed some light on these questions and provide you with some […]

teaching karate

3 Ways to Liven Up Your Classes

June 12, 2013
Jason Stanley

As instructors we’re always looking for ways to alleviate student boredom and liven up our classes. You and I know that boredom is enemy numero uno of student retention, so anything we can do to punch boredom right in the solar plexus and drop him to his knees gasping for air like a chain smoker […]