Category: teaching karate

teaching karate

How long is your warm up?

May 1, 2013
Jason Stanley

Your body doesn’t need 15 – 30 minutes to warm up. So why is it so engrained into martial arts training that a “warm up” should take so long? The quick answer is because many warm ups involve stretching. Apparently someone once believed that stretching at the start of class warms up muscles. Yet for […]

teaching karate

No More Playing Favorites…

March 19, 2013
Jason Stanley

What’s your “go to” technique? You know the one – your favorite technique that you can’t live fight without? And what about your students? I’m sure their choices are as vast and varied as the colors of the rainbow. Now what if you couldn’t use that technique anymore. What would you do instead? Last week […]

teaching karate

Back to Basics

March 6, 2013
Jason Stanley
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Take ten karate students and have them perform their kata individually and you might like what you see. Take the same ten students and have them perform the kata together, and you’ll notice variations. You’ll see differences in timing and speed, which is fine unless they’re performing team kata for tournament. However, you shouldn’t see […]