Category: Uncategorized


Teaching advice my Sensei gave me…

April 13, 2010
Jason Stanley
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Back in ’92 when I first started teaching I told my Sensei what I was going to work on in class with his students. I had a detailed lesson plan with more technical information than my class could possibly absorb in 60 minutes. After I finished explaining to him, he raised an eyebrow and said, […]


Teaching Karate To Kids: The Golden Rule

April 6, 2010
Jason Stanley

It amazes me how many instructors just “don’t get it” when it comes to teaching young kids. So many try to teach our youngest students the SAME way as they teach adults and wonder why it doesn’t work, leaving both teacher and student frustrated. How to break down and structure a kids’ class is outside […]


Improving your dojo and creating word of mouth…

March 30, 2010
Jason Stanley

Two months ago we moved location and took over a dance studio, so a lot of the work was already done since the building has the same basic purpose – a training floor and reception area. Basically there is a dividing wall between the tatami and the waiting room, front desk and bathroom. However, the […]