Category: Uncategorized


WKF Rules 6.1 Update

March 31, 2009
Jason Stanley
1 Comment

As a subscriber to the KarateTips / KarateTeaching newsletter I’m sure you like to know about what’s going on in the larger karate world… One thing that I’ve been meaning to mention for a while nowis the recent changes to the World Karate Federation Competition Rules. There are some SIGNIFICANT changes that will DEFINITELY affect […]


Your role as a tournament coach…

March 23, 2009
Jason Stanley

Yesterday I had a handful of kids enter a local karate tournament. For most of them it was their first competition and the results were good – one gold, two silver and a bronze, so I was happy for them – and they were stoked. One thing however that happened yesterday (which happens far more […]


Success Key #3

March 9, 2009
Jason Stanley
No Comments

The final key I want to share with you for a successful martial arts school is to have… A Good Record Keeping System!I realized as soon as I got 20 students that trying to keep good records of who had paid, when they trained, their personal details, etc. was going to be a nightmare if […]