Category: Uncategorized


What’s up with the Bruce Lee noises?

June 23, 2008
Jason Stanley
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Why is it that people feel compelled to make Bruce Lee noises when they walk past your karate school? Then proceed to pound on your windows, or yell louder until they get your attention… From 10 year old kids to 50 year adults… From punk teenage gansters to fully grown men with tatoos… Common sense […]


Just released….

June 19, 2008
Jason Stanley
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Yes… It’s just been released… It’s finally here… After years in the making… The “125 Dynamite Drills – Teaching Edition” complete with 6 (yes that’s right SIX) bonuses! Teaching martial arts has never been easier… Check it out:


Are you systemized?

June 16, 2008
Jason Stanley
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There’s a great book called “The E-myth Revisited” by Michael Gerber. The E-Myth or “entrepreneurial myth” is the concept that a worker believing that just because they can perform a certain job or function, they believe they can run a business. For example… A “technician” (someone who works in a business) such as a mechanic […]