Hook Sweep Video

Jason Stanley 

Would you like to learn how to do a hook sweep?

I hope so because it really is one of the most effective and simple sweeps to learn, yet so many people don’t know about it.

And that’s why it works so well!

It’s a little *different* to the usual foot sweeps you see, and will often catch your opponent off guard and open for attack… and of course when you make the sweep successfully, your opponent will hit the deck faster than you can say “yame”.

I shot this short clip a couple of years ago for an article I was writing…

But if you never saw the video, you’re in luck as I’ve posted it to the “promo page” for my karate kumite course to help explain what the course is all about.

Go here to watch it:




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1 Comment

  1. Loren Bentley

    I like that the ukemi for your uke is good.

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