teaching karate video

Assisted Clap Pushups

February 26, 2014
Jason Stanley

If you’ve ever had your class attempt clap pushups you’ll know it’s funnier than heck when they just try to clap without pushing up first. You’ll hear loads of clapping sounds followed by dull thuds and plenty of grunting noises as gravity does its work… So I came up with a creative training method to […]

teaching karate

Am I doing it right?

February 18, 2014
Jason Stanley

So I recently enrolled a new 10 year old boy in my junior program who’s done 6 months or so of MMA. I spoke with his dad for quite a while on the phone, talking about their previous training (both father and son). Turns out the dad studied Shotokan years ago and though his son […]

teaching kata video

Turning on your heels – Part 2

February 5, 2014
Jason Stanley

So a couple of weeks ago I told you about when somebody once told me to make rear leg mawashi geri it’s best to turn on the heel of the supporting leg. I think we all agree that advice was absolute %$%3! I then talked about my preference for turning on the balls of the […]