teaching karate

Where do you look?

May 25, 2010
Jason Stanley
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Many new instructors are as nervous as a lambs going to slaughter when they’re asked to stand up and instruct a class. Thoughts start racing through their heads like…“What if I forget what to say?” “What if I forget what do do?” “What if I freeze up?” “What if…. [insert favorite fear here]?” Truth is […]

teaching karate to kids teaching kata


May 18, 2010
Jason Stanley

There’s a exercise I do with my junior students from time to time where I give them 15 minutes to make up a kata… Basically they pair off and work together to create a short kata of 10-15 moves which they’ll come up and demonstrate in synchronized fashion for the rest of the class. The […]

125 Dynamite Drills karate drills and exercises

Customer Review of 125 Dynamite Drills

May 17, 2010
Jason Stanley
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I just wanted to share this review that a customer emailed me recently…Thanks Paul! “Good Morning Jason, My name is Paul McCartan and I run a dojo in Alberta, Canada. I purchased your ebook [125 Dynamite Drills] the other day and I’m extremly happy that I did. Not only is the book very will thought […]